C code files (with a.cpp extension) are not the only files commonly seen in C programs. The other type of file is called a header file. Header files usually have a.h extension, but you will occasionally see them with a.hpp extension or no extension at all. The G method to include header files from other directories is giving me a. Check that in dev-C tools compiler options directories c includes and c includes have the path to 'c: dev-c includes' include #include at the top of my file compiled.
Include Header Files In C
Hi pals,
I am a Newbie in C++ Programming field. I plan to add graphics.h header class in
Dev -C++ Version from Bloodshed which is come along with Borland Compiler.
I follow the Steps in URL : http://www.uniqueness-template.com/devcpp/#step2
But I Got Error in the Sample code which test the Working , Please Help me
to get away from this problem . I am waiting to hear from you.
How To Include Graphics Header File In Dev C++

Header File And C File
Anes P.A:'(

How To Include Header File In Dev C Free
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You can't. graphics.h is not compatible with Dev-C++