hey ive recently gotten into djing and am trying to set up some gear so i can start mixing
i used to use virtual dj but ive moved up to traktor 2 because it is a heap better and my controller is made for it
my setup is a 'numark mixtrack' controller, 3.5mm headphone output and hdmi output for my speakers, and of course a laptop with traktor 2 pro
SO MY QUESTION IS: how am i meant to route my audio settings properly for traktor pro 2 so i can play my music through my speakers and my cue through headphones
it was easy to set this up on virtual dj because i just selected 2 sound cards and chose my 'conexant' sound driver for headphones and hdmi output for headhpones
im having trouble doing this with traktor because it seems you can only choose one sound card. PLEASE HELP
ive been researching this the past couple of days and seem to be getting nowhere. ive also tried the 'asio4all v2' driver as recommended by most, but that doesnt work or im doing something wrong
thankyou anyone that can help
This map was made in Traktor Pro 2.10.2, but should work fine in 2.6+.-Map. Gracias por compartir el maping lo instale al tractor pro 3 la consola que utilizo es mixtrack pro3 tengo este problema al mover el crossfader tambien se mueve la perilla de ganancia en la cubierta A. Ir - / + al mismo tiempo se mueven los dos, tambien no puedo. The world’s #1 DJ controller is now even better. From Numark, the world’s leading creator of DJ technology, comes Mixtrack Pro II—now with a streamlined design and an expanded layout of professional controls, including 16 backlit multifunction drum.
Beginner DJ Bill Dunn writes: “I’m looking at buying the Numark Mixtrack, but I do not wish to buy the Pro version as it comes with a built-in sound card, and I already have a good sound card. Please can you tell me whether the non-pro Numark Mixtrack controller has a headphone output for track monitoring purposes? This might be a stupid question but I want to be sure… thanks for your help!”
Digital DJ Tips says:
It’s not a stupid question, because it can be confusing for the beginner to work out how this all operates.
Think of the non-sound card version of Mixtrack (as opposed to the Mixtrack Pro, which has a sound card built in) as simply another input device for your computer – like the keyboard or the mouse. It simply tells the DJ software what to do. The sound card is where all the actual audio goes on – not the controller. Thus the controller couldn’t have a headphone socket, because it has nothing to do with the sound itself – it just sends instructions to the DJ software as to how to control the sound files. You would use your existing sound card for headphone monitoring, and it will need to be one with two separate outputs to work for DJing – see All About Soundcards For Digital DJing.
Indeed, the only reason you need an external sound card for DJing is precisely that – because you need TWO separate outputs. Otherwise, your computer has a “sound card” built in – it’s what feeds the computer’s internal speaker/s, and the sound out socket too.

Diagram of how it’s set up
This should hep you to understand how the Mixtrack (or any DJ controller that doesn’t have a built-in sound card) is set up with an external audio interface, and where everything plugs in:
Traktor Mixtrack Pro 2 Headphones Reviews
Are you confused by controllers and sound cards? Were you confused when you started out? How did you make sense of how everything fits together in a digital DJ set-up? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments please!